India 2.0... the prodigal son returns

Some of you might remember that I spent a few months living and working in India back in 2004 (mostly in New Delhi, with short side trips to Agra, Jaipur, and Katmandu). So while this trip would bring me back to a few of my favorite places (eg. Taj Mahal, and Amber Fort), I was also looking forward to sharing new experiences with Teresa, and I was intrigued to see how I would feel being back. Because Teresa and I arrived at Delhi International airport at about 3am the roads on the way to our first hotel were pretty quite, and the temperature was pretty bearable, certainly not how I remember mega-metropolis that is New Delhi. The taxi driver, however, wasn't very pleased that we had had the commonsense to pre-pay the cab fare to the hotel (something we'd read about online), so he wasn't going to be able to charge us his normal 'tourist rate'... that was a little more like the India I remember. Once we eventually ventured out in to the city during the day (after a cou...